Thursday 5 November 2015

3 Tips to Stay Cool in Your Mercedes


Extreme heat can cause a lot of stress on the air conditioner in your Mercedes. A system must be able to battle the temperatures, and keep you cool day in and day out. Here are three tips that will ensure your systems will operate properly throughout all the sunny California days.

1.  Watch the Refrigerant Level

The coolant in your system is what maintains the proper temperature of the air. If this is full, you’ll stay cool year-round.

2. Service the Evaporator, Condenser and Compressor

These moving parts are the true workhorses of your air conditioning system. In keeping up with the heat they can wear out over time, and should be maintained by a professional Mercedes technician.

3. Check the Hoses, Pumps and Valves

To perform at top quality standards, these parts must stay appropriately lubricated. This will keep your system running smoothly, and prevent them from cracking from the heat produced by your engine.

If these three primary components of your air conditioning are serviced on a regular basis, you will not have any worries about getting stuck with a broken down system in the scorching heat. Experienced professionals have the expertise to keep you cool all year long. Visit this website for more information on Mercedes maintenance in Cupertino, and to schedule service.

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